Balanced Obsessions

I’m one of those people that finds something they like, and then eats/listens/watches/does said thing 348204 times until the obsession wears off and they either become bored or sick of it. When I find a new song I like, I play it for weeks and weeks until I can’t listen to it anymore. When I discovered how awesome Dexter is (for real, so.freaking.awesome.), I watched all 5 seasons in about 2 weeks. This sickness also applies to food, hence the “eat” in my first sentence.

Since moving to Germany and finding out that Kiwis are only about $0.19 here (!!!!!) compared to the roughly $0.99 in America, I cann’t get enough. I usually eat at least two a day. Not that I’m complaining, because they’re one of the healthiest and nutrient-dense fruits you can eat (click here to learn all about their nutrition). I could be eating much worse things. The bad part of this equation is that when I go back to America, I’m going to have to ration my kiwi intake by about half. Maybe that’s why I’m scarfing them down like they’re about to become extinct (if fruit could become extinct). Or go out of style (if fruit was a style…you know, for people other than Carmen Miranda). (Why do none of these cliches work for fruit?) Now, I’ve been eating a whole lot of kiwis since I’ve been in Germany since August, and haven’t started to get tired of them yet. Only when I decide to eat two in one sitting do I sometimes get tired of them. But they’re just so delicious; it’s hard to eat only one! Don’t you think? Plus, they’re so pretty. They have to be the prettiest fruit…although I might be biased since my favorite color is green. The exact color green of kiwis. Come to think of it… why is there no crayon or paint-chip  named Kiwi Green? I’ve never seen one, and if a fruit ever deserved a crayon or paint-chip named after it, it’s a kiwi. But I digress…

On to my current vegetable obsession: sweet potatoes! I’ve honestly just now started liking sweet potatoes. As a wee one, I never liked potatoes. My family swore there was no way I was a Campbell and didn’t like potatoes. My starch of choice was mac and cheese. But as I grew older, I started liking potatoes more. Sadly, sweet potatoes remained outside my repertoire, much to my mom’s disappointment, her being the designated sweet-potato-casserole-bringer to our Thanksgiving. As everyone knows, however, your taste buds change as you get older, and I now can not get enough of sweet potatoes. Unlike kiwis, they are actually a lot more expensive here in Germany than in the states. I don’t think they’re used much. In fact, the family I live with had never eaten them before until I made them for dinner one night. Crazy, right? I’ve been eating so many of them lately, especially since they’re so good for you, I’m kind of starting to get sick of them. I think they might be one of those things you can eat maybe once a week…for me, at least. So now I’ve decided to stop eating so many in the hopes that I don’t go off them completely before I have time to try my mom’s sweet potato casserole at next year’s Thanksgiving.

In other obsession news, right now…

I’m watching Sex & the City from season 1.

I can’t get enough of this guy’s movies.

I love listening to this soundtrack when I’m going to sleep.

I’m determined to have Michelle Obama’s arms this summer.

I have found the perfect shampoo/conditioner, which unfortunately can only be bought in Germany.

What are your current food (or other) obsessions?